
Wyszukano: Sączki

Made of pure cellulose treated with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, filter papers are used for straining with good retention and flow rates. These cellulose filters create a semi-permeable barrier perpendicular to a liquid or airflow in order to separate fine substances from liquids or air. Different grades of filter paper are available for performing various laboratory applications including routine lab work, ranging from coarse to fine filtration of particulates. VWR offers a wide range of qualitative and quantitative filter papers with varying pore size, particle retention, flow rate and filtration times.

Made of pure cellulose treated with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, filter papers are used for straining with good retention and flow rates. These cellulose filters create a semi-permeable barrier perpendicular to a liquid or airflow in order to separate fine substances from liquids or air. Different grades of filter paper are available for performing various laboratory applications including routine lab work, ranging from coarse to fine filtration of particulates. VWR offers a wide range of qualitative and quantitative filter papers with varying pore size, particle retention, flow rate and filtration times.

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Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: 424: Filtracja siarczków ołowiu, żelaza i srebra, węglanów alkalicznych, chromianów ołowiu, antymonu, arsenu i kadmu oraz środków spożywczych O...

Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: Typ 402 i 302: Do ogólnych oznaczeń jakościowych. Nadają się do analizy większości siarczków. Oznaczenie całkowitej zawartości tłuszczów w prod...

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Udoskonalenia w zakresie lokalizacji zapasów magazynowych

Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: Hydrofobowy papier filtracyjny używany do rozdzielania wodnych roztworów z roztworów organicznych.

Numer katalogowy: (516-0316)
Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: Low nitrogen content filters for determination of nitrogen content in steel and iron samples dissolved in acid. Filtration of fine precipitates to dis...
j.m.: 1 * 100 SZT

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 4 Qualitative Filter Papers are a standard grade, high flow rate filter paper. They are useful in qualitative analytical separations whe...
Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 41 environmental pollution papers are among the fastest filter papers in the Whatman ashless range. This gravimetric filter is ...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 1 Qualitative Filter Papers are the most widely used filter paper for routine laboratory applications, qualitative analytical separation...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: A prepleated filter used for many routine analytical applications in different industries (e.g., particle separation from food extracts or filtration ...
Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 1V lab filter paper from Cytiva business is a widely used pre-folded filter for many general filtration applications.

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: These filter papers made from high quality cotton linters have the finest retention of all ashless filter paper grades. Grade 42 is designed for gravi...
Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 54 hardened low ash quantitative filter paper for Büchner funnel and Hirsch funnel filtration enables fast vacuum suction filtration for...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Grade 520bll ½ thick, pleated filter paper with high wet strength offering a very high flow rate.

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 40 high-purity filters from Cytiva's business are general-purpose papers for quantitative analysis. Grade 40 filters are suitable for a ...
Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cone folded filter paper saves valuable time when undertaking repetitive or multiple analyses.

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: A standard grade filter for boiler water analysis.

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Filtr przemywanu kwasem, z zawartością popiołu ok. 0,01%, niską zawartością magnezu, do oznaczanie pierwiastków śladowych (Mg, Mn, Co, Cu, Mo, B).

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Zapasy tego artykułu są ograniczone, ale możliwe, że jest on dostępny w pobliskim magazynie. Upewnij się, że jesteś zalogowany na stronie, aby móc sprawdzić dostępność zapasów. Jeśli call ciągle się wyświetla i potrzebujesz pomocy, zadzwoń na 58 323 82 00.
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Wybrany produkt został wycofany - sprzedaż do wyczerpania zapasów. Dostępne zamienniki można znaleźć poprzez wpisanie powyższego numeru katalogowego VWR w okno wyszukiwarki. Jeśli potrzebujesz dalszej pomocy, prosimy o kontakt z Działem Doradztwa Produktowego pod numerem telefonu 58 3238 220.
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