Environmentally Preferable Product Offerings

Environmentally Preferable Products Program

Avantor’s Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) program is designed to provide greater transparency into product sustainability attributes. This allows you to make more informed and sustainable purchasing decisions. We work with our suppliers to designate sustainable products, materials, packaging, and equipment that meet one or more of the following attributes:

  • Energy efficient
  • Water efficient
  • Waste reducing
  • Sustainable materials
  • Low manufacturing impact
  • Safer human and environmental health
  • Responsible packaging
  • Product transparency

How to Access EPP Products

There are multiple ways to access and view the Environmentally Preferable Products offered by Avantor.

  • EPP products are searchable and identifiable on vwr.com. When available, the option to filter for “Environmentally Preferable” within a product search will be displayed. Once the Environmentally Preferable box is selected, click “Refine Criteria” and all the EPP products for that category will be displayed.
  • Avantor is continuing to develop and release Product Literature for specific EPP products as well as our EPP program as a whole. Contact your Avantor Representative to obtain the latest materials and resources surrounding Avantor’s sustainable product and service offerings.
  • Your Avantor Representative can also generate an Environmentally Preferable Products spend report for your organization which will visualize your company’s EPP Spend for a 12-month period versus total spend. The report also shows which products are contributing to your EPP spend. This is an excellent resource to benchmark and measure your organization’s sustainable purchasing with Avantor.

Avantor Carries ACT Label Products

We believe it is important to support you in better understanding the impact of the products you are purchasing. By emphasizing accountability, consistency, and transparency (ACT) around manufacturing, energy and water use, packaging, and end-of-life, the ACT label makes it easy to choose safe, more sustainable products. Led by the non-profit organization My Green Lab, the label is designed to provide information necessary to make smart, sustainable choices about the product you purchase.

Utilizing our Environmentally Preferable Products program and the ACT label, you have the ability to select more sustainable product solutions.

For more information, please contact your local Avantor representative.

Additional details on our sustainability offerings can be found by visiting Sustainable Solutions.